What will you do today?
A. Well, I will get up, eat breakfast, go to work, come home, eat, watch TV and go to bed.
What will you do tomorrow?
A. Uhm… what do you mean?
What will you do tomorrow?
A. The same thing.
Okay. So what part of your day matters the most to you? What are you going to create? What are you going to create that will matter tomorrow and the day after that?
A. (Long pause…) I’m not sure.
That’s too bad.
A. What are you going to do today?
Something audacious. I’m going to do my best to connect with others. I want to make a difference in someone’s life today, in a positive and encouraging way. I want to create something meaningful. Really, I want to inspire someone to be more than they ever thought they could be.
A. That sounds remarkable. Who are you? What do you do?
I’m a writer. I write.
A. (Another pause…) I always wanted to be a writer.
All you have to do is write. So write.
A. Yes… Okay… I will! I will write every day.
Good! I look forward to reading what you create, tomorrow.
You can sweep a floor today, which is a good and honorable thing to do, and tomorrow your efforts will be gone and forgotten. Not so with words. Long after we are gone, our words will live on.
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Are you a writer? If so, how about affirming it in the comments. Can you give us a: “Yes, I am a writer!”?
(This post was a transcript of a conversation with Self.)