I’m not going to tell you that you shouldn’t be jealous, envious, or that you should ignore how much better another person might be. Go ahead, dare yourself. Compare yourself.…
I’m not going to tell you that you shouldn’t be jealous, envious, or that you should ignore how much better another person might be. Go ahead, dare yourself. Compare yourself.…
Jeff Goins is a Wall Street Journal bestselling author of “Real Artists Don’t Starve,” and the teacher of one of the fastest growing online courses for writers, Tribe Writers.
Do you have a favorite blog about writing? Great! Nominate it for the Best Writing Blog Award 2018. (Announcement will be in January, 2018) The Annual Best Writing Blog Awards is…
Note: This is a guest post by Joe Bunting. Joe is a professional ghostwriter and editor. He is the publisher of The Write Practice. Lately, I’ve been getting a lot…
Bloggers have the most difficult job any writer has, and it’s not just the writing, it’s consistently coming up with fresh and exciting ideas to write about. I’ll be honest…
Are you a blogger of musings and other random things, believing the more well-rounded your blog is the better your chances are of attracting a larger audience? I made this mistake,…
Note: This is a guest post by Emily Johnson, she’s a blogger and a content strategist at omnipapers.com. She is also a contributor on various websites about career advice, productivity, work…
Every now and then you read a book, watch a movie or simply hear a story where you learn something that dramatically changes your life. It’s profound when it happens.…
There’s a certain magic some bloggers have which makes them become popular. You can be one of them, because the magic is within you, too. It is. It’s only a matter…
Note: This is a guest post by Eduardo Yi, he is the lead content marketer at Teachable, a platform that allows everyone, from creative individuals to established organizations, to easily teach…
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