You have something incredibly special inside of you dying to get out! A dream that deserves life. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Don’t let anyone, for any reason, bring you down from where you belong, or stop you from going where you want to go, or doing what you want to do.
You’ve got something: as a writer, an artist, an entertainer, as a person.
Whatever your dream is.
And it’s begging for you to release it upon the world.
It wants you to break free.
It wants you to break free from your struggles, break free from your doubts, and break free from the fears which are holding you back.
If anything, let those struggles give you the acknowledgment that your feelings are right, your beliefs are justified, and you can do what you need to do to accomplish what you know you’re meant to accomplish.
You’re a lot better than you think you are. You’re better than the haters try to make you believe. You’re better than anyone thought you ever could be.
You’re better than even your greatest imagination.
You just have to let go. You just have to be: Free!
Look in the mirror today and admit to yourself openly and honestly what it is you want.
You know what it is. It’s hiding in plain sight. It lives in your heart and cannot be extinguished by anyone.
You have the power to live, to be, to learn, to train, to strive, and to do whatever ever it is your heart wants.
Do it.
Too many of us hold back. Too many of us settle. Too many of us sit on our dream and let the years pass, thinking we’re not good enough, we’re just not meant to do what it is we know in our hearts we want to do.
And the world moves on.
But not you. Not you!
You are good enough.
Do it.
Don’t waste another day thinking your not good enough or you’re not meant for more than you think you are, because my friend, trust me: You are.
You really, truly, absolutely, magnificently, are!
Yes. You. Are.
Now go dust off that dream. It’s time to tell the haters to step off and to tell your own fears and doubts that they might try, and they might slow you down from time to time, but they will never, ever, under any circumstances, stop you.
Be you. For you.
Live your dream.
Yes. You. Can.
It was put in your heart for a reason.
What is your dream? I’d love to know. Share it in the comments. If you have a link to something you’ve posted on your blog about your dream, feel free to share that in the comments as well.