I’ve gotten bored with my book. A few years ago, I would’ve freaked out.
Oh no! I would’ve thought. Maybe my book sucks. Maybe the characters are totally flat. Maybe the plot is too simple. Maybe it’ll never get published and even if it does everyone will hate it because it’s too bland!
Now I’ve learned to calm down. The key to becoming excited about your book again is to chill. Don’t panic.

Write What You Love
I get bored with every single book I write. Every single one. Not one book gets written without me getting a massive case of writer’s block and boredom. I’ll procrastinate, I’ll type a few sentences, and then I’ll close the document and move on to play mind-numbing video games.
It’s infuriating, but the best thing I can do is to not panic.
It’s taken me a while to figure out what causes this boredom, but once I did, it was like a light bulb illuminating over my head. I knew what the cause was and I knew how to fix it.
I wasn’t writing for me.
I was writing for someone else, some unknown person that I was trying my hardest to please. Whenever that person wasn’t pleased (I named him Difficult Dan) I’d delete whatever I’d just written immediately and attempt to come up with something else. Something that would please him.
The thing is, Difficult Dan can’t—and won’t—ever be pleased. Nothing will please him, hence the name. Trying to please Dan will only frustrate you to no end and cause you to stop writing what you love.
Write what you love. Write for you. (Tweet This)
After all, why did you start writing in the first place? I’m ready to bet all of my books that it was for you. If you really love writing you probably:
Love your characters.
Love your alone time because it means you can write.
Eat, sleep, and breathe writing.
Constantly think about new ideas for your stories.
Daydream about getting published, giving interviews, etc.
Subconsciously cast famous actors and actresses for the movie adaptation of your book that you’ve been creating in your head.
Write most every day.
Start to get a little twitchy if you haven’t written that day.
Constantly jump up from the table while you’re in the middle of a meal shouting, “I have to write something down before I forget!” as you rush to find a piece of paper.
Can’t live without writing. Seriously, it would kill you.
Do you see how ridiculous it is for you to try and please Dan? You don’t have to, you don’t want to. You write because you enjoy it, because you love it, because you can’t live without it.
Stop writing for Dan and start writing for YOU. Dan can deal.
Who have you been writing for? Share in the comments.