All the greats use it. It is indispensable.
It is so critical to success and achieving greatness that if you’re not using it then you’ll never reach as high as you could if you did use it.
What is it?

Creative Commons by Aspearing
You’ve learned a great many things in your life in direct and indirect ways, and your mind has cross referenced all of what you have learned into a very special database only you have access to.
You know and understand so much more than you might realize and all of that knowledge is within your grasp in your subconscious mind.
Unfortunately, the subconscious mind feeds you information in ways that most people simply don’t trust. It’s in the form of hunches and gut feelings.
You know what it is like when you feel something is not quite right, but have no clear reason as to why you feel that way.
Or maybe you’re writing and for some reason you feel as if you should write it a certain way or add content that came to you from seemingly nowhere.
What I have described is your intuition, and that’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
The question is: Do you use it?
Intuition has become the most overlooked and underused aspect of writing or creating just about anything.
Too many people do not trust their own intuition anymore.
You see it all the time in what people are creating, because 99% of it looks the same and sounds the same.
If the casual observer didn’t know any better he or she would think it’s the same regurgitated stuff they’ve seen, read and heard a hundred times before.
And you know what? It is the same.
Most people do not trust their intuition because they’ve bought into following standards, rules and roadmaps that are supposed to guarantee success.
Therefore, they are afraid that using their intuition will inhibit their success, because it doesn’t adhere to the way things should be done or the way things should be said.
So why, and how, do so few stand out from the crowd?
First of all, not everyone has something interesting to say and second of all, not everyone is meant to be the next Jeff Goins, Leo Babauta, Joe Bunting or Seth Godin.
If that were the case then those guys would just be a couple average writers. Right?
Wrong! Everyone has something interesting to say, especially you.
I am sure those guys would tell you the same thing, but here’s the key: you’ve got to be brave enough to say it.
You’ve got to say it the way you would, the way you mean it, and present it your way.
Visit their sites and ask yourself what is different about each one.
I’ll tell you this much, they are not replicas of each other (not even close), their writing styles are different, their formats are different and even the way they present their stories are different.
However, what is the same is that each of them have something to say and they are saying it in their own unique ways.
You’ve got to allow your intuition to guide you and stick with it. (Tweet This)
Most people are afraid to use their intuition because they want to feel secure or they want some guarantee that they won’t look foolish.
Writers who stand out from the crowd are perceived as risk takers. And yet, plenty of others try to copy them, but can’t and never will.
You cannot copy someone’s intuition.
Sure, you can copy others by writing about the exact same stuff and presenting it the exact same way, but it’s what is between the lines that you’ll never be able to replicate.
So don’t try. No. Just. Don’t.
There’s so much emphasis on finding one’s voice, but what is one’s voice anyway?
Your voice develops and becomes heard only when you trust and use your intuition. (Tweet This)
Your voice is YOU.
It’s when you write about something and you let go enough to let what you believe and hold true become your writing (or any creative work).
Trusting and using your intuition provides transparency and creates a connection between you and your reader. It’s that critical ingredient that tells your reader you’ve been there and you care.
It’s honesty.
If you want to connect the dots, color within the lines and write stuff you think others expect, in the way they expect it, that’s your prerogative.
There are plenty of formulas to success you can copy, such as using lists, bullets, or writing long posts, or concise posts, and all that kind of jazz.
But if you want to stand out from the crowd and be the one who is different, who is memorable, then you’ve got to do the scariest thing in the world…
Do. It. Your. Way.
I know, that is frightening. Isn’t it?
I’ll tell you this much, doing it your way may take longer for you to get noticed, but once you start getting noticed you will be able to maintain and build on that, because no one else can do it your way.
No one else has your intuition.
So use it to your advantage, by, well, using it. It means the difference between standing out and staying in the crowd.
5 ways how to use your intuition:
1) Empty your mind.
Before you start writing, take a couple moments to relax and empty your mind of any and all thoughts.
We are usually considering too much and questioning ourselves to death. In order to create our best we need to be confident and let go.
The best way to do this is to take ten or fifteen minutes to think of absolutely nothing and allow yourself to connect with your subconscious. Your subconscious is where all the really good stuff is.
2) Listen to your gut.
If something feels right then it usually is and if it feels wrong or forced, then reconsider.
3) Keep a journal.
The best insights and ideas come when you least expect them.
Lucky people are lucky because they are prepared for opportunity anytime and anywhere. Be ready. Keep a journal.
4) Visualize the results you want.
Don’t be concerned with being realistic because realistic people stay grounded and in the crowd.
5) Trust your intuition.
It will do you no good otherwise.
Of course, intuition should not be used with a total absence of reason and logic, but that’s what the second and third drafts are for.
When you take the leap and begin to trust and use your intuition, you will go through challenging times when you think no one is listening or watching, and no one cares.
Those times will come and go. And that’s okay.
You will learn and grow, but always stick with your intuition, and hey, trust yourself.
Throw your heart over the bar and your body will follow.
Norman Vincent Peale
Are you ready to do it your way, to let go and trust your intuition? Or have you already? Share in the comments.