You’re not satisfied. You’re not. You know it and I know it. You want more, you want better – you want to strive and reach, and you want to make it.
Whatever making it is for you, perhaps it is writing a book and having it in displayed in a bookstore window or painting a beautiful picture to be displayed in an art gallery.
There’s only one way to do it. There’s only one way to make it happen.

Creative Commons by Aaron Escobar
The way to make it happen is to give in to your dream. To go all out to achieve whatever it is you want, wherever it is you want to go, and never give up.
No. Never give up. That is not an option.
If you want something bad enough, you’ve got to do everything it takes to get it, even if that means learning or trying something new, or failing.
You’ve got to do it.
Don’t put your dream off until tomorrow. (Tweet This)
Don’t do that. If you do you’ll never reach tomorrow.
You need to do something today, something that will start you in the direction you want to go.
You know what you want, and you know where you want to go.
If you could reach out far enough, you know you could touch it.
Start now.
Do one thing today that will put you on your path. Only. One. Thing. (Tweet This)
Take that first step.
There is no other step you can take that is more important to your success and achieving your dream of being a bestselling author or painting a masterpiece.
One step at a time. Typing one word at a time. Stroking the brush across the canvas one stroke at a time.
That’s the only way it will work, that’s the only way you will get where you want to go.
If you keep moving forward, putting one foot in front of the other, resistance won’t stop you, fear won’t impede you, and you’ll get there.
Here are a few tips to help get you started (or to regroup):
It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind that determines which way we will go.
―Jim Rohn (Tweet This Quote)
1) Identify your dream.
Be honest with yourself – what do you want? Write it down.
Sometimes you want something, but you only have a vague idea of what it is and this uncertainty causes confusion, frustration and perpetual delay. Or, you end up starting down many paths, but never reaching any destination.
For a lot of people, not being clear to themselves about what they want and where they want to go is the number one reason they never truly start.
Consider this: What is your dream, the real one – the one you are afraid of?
Yep, that one.
If you like, write it in the comments (I’d love to know).
2) Identify the steps you need to take.
Just as you wrote down your goal, so too must you write down the steps you need to take. You might not know all of the steps right now and that’s okay, but create an outline of what you already know you need to do.
Start asking the right questions of the right people and research the rest.
3) Remove the “But if’s”…
No one has all of the tools or the knowledge they need at first. You must start where you are.
The perfect time is now with what you already have: Ambition and an honest goal.
You’ll acquire the rest as you go, so trust that you’ll find the answers and get the tools you need. Seek and you shall find, but start.
Consider acquiring one new tool today.
Perhaps purchase a new pen, a pen that feels wonderful between your fingers and writes with a feeling across the page that you enjoy. Or perhaps visit the local art store after work and purchase a new canvas, the size, shape and texture that looks and feels good to you.
4) Good enough.
Try not to worry too much about if your writing is good enough or if your painting is good enough. You will grow as a writer or as a painter, or whatever type of artist you are, as you journey towards your dream.
This is normal for everyone.
Consider reading my free eBook Good Enough.
5) Measure your distance.
From time to time take stock by examining where you’ve been, what you’ve done, where you are going, and what you still need to do.
Adjust your sail as needed.
6) Overcome failure.
There’s nothing wrong with adjusting your sail because there will be times when you must, but you can’t do that if you let roadblocks and setbacks keep you down.
Most of the things you try will fail. Expect it. Learn and grow from it.
Remember this quote and keep it close:
Failure doesn’t mean you are a failure… it just means you haven’t succeeded yet.
~Robert Schuller (Tweet This Quote)
7) Believe to achieve.
Contrary to what you may have been told, people do not just believe in themselves and their abilities for no reason.
Self-belief comes from practice, doing and overcoming.
The more you do, the more you work towards your dream, and the more failure you prevail over, the more you will come to believe in yourself.
So you see, if you do not fail, work it out and continue, then you cannot attain the self-belief you need to achieve your dream.
Too many people think they must believe first. No. You must start first. Self-belief must be earned. That’s why most people start out afraid and that’s perfectly okay.
8) One step at a time.
Above all, always remember, it takes one step at a time, and then the next step.
Don’t try to jump over or skip steps, that’s usually what causes setbacks. You don’t need to get ahead of yourself.
As I said: You will get there, so trust that you will.
9) Enjoy the journey.
Relish it and treasure it. Because when you do finally achieve your dream you will realize it was the journey that made achieving it so very special and not just the wanting it.
If we magically got whatever we wanted today, then what adventure would we have and what growth would we attain?
Now go forth, and do one thing to achieve your dream, and then the next.
Are you ready? I believe you are. Share in the comments.
If you’re a blogger, write a post about starting on your path to achieving your dream, and then post the link in the comments. I’d love to read it. (TW)