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Exclusive Interview with Seth Godin
It’s nice to have you here, Seth. Thanks for the opportunity.
Q: In another interview you mention that in business school you were good at answering conceptual questions, but really bad at building spreadsheets. A lot of people get caught up with constantly trying to improve their weaknesses, what advice do you give those who do this?
Will you succeed because you are more well-rounded than others? Because you fit in better than everyone else? Bloody unlikely. We succeed when we are trusted to be the best at what we do. (Click to Tweet)
Q: You are very open about your mistakes and failures and you’ve become quite successful. To what do you attribute to your success?
Making more mistakes than other people. The key word is ‘more’. You have to play well enough to get more chances to make more mistakes!
Q: You love helping people achieve their dreams, but what first compelled you to be interested in helping others?
Is there any bigger privilege?
Q: People talk about taking risks all the time, and you actually do. Why do you live so close to the edge?
The edge is a great place to be. Inside the box is too dark. Outside the box, there’s no leverage. But on the edge of the box, you can get things done!
Q: What drives you to write every day?
Probably the same thing that drives other people to talk every day. I just talk in written form.
Q: What would you like people to remember you for?
I’d like to be remembered by the impact that people who have read my work have had on the world.
Thank you for your time and answers, Seth!
Seth’s latest project is The Icarus Deception.
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