When did you know?
What led you to becoming a writer? What did you go through to get here? Do you remember the moment you finally realized that’s what you are? Or, did it come to you gradually? How did you feel when you finally realized it? Were you elated, or doubtful, or both?
Those are the type of things I’d love to know about you and when you finally knew: You Are A Writer.
So much so that I have created Positive Writer’s First Writing Contest!

You Are A Writer – Writing Contest
This contest will run from 19 June until 30 August 2013.
The prizes are Amazon gift cards: 1st $75, 2nd $50, and 3rd $25.
Your entry will be an essay that shares your story about when you finally knew that YES, you are a writer!
I am running this contest to find out where that spark started for others, because it was a major watershed moment in my life.
I’ll be looking for how well you share your story in an inspiring way.
I’m not looking for technically perfect stories. I am looking for real stories that touch and move me, and I believe will inspire others to take up the craft.
Writing is your calling, but when did you know, and how did you come to this realization and acceptance?
Maybe it was very difficult for you to finally admit that writing is what you were meant to do, or, perhaps you had to overcome doubts and fears that you could ever write well enough.
Perhaps you feared others would laugh at you or ridicule you for calling yourself a writer.
Maybe someone convinced you that writing was not worth doing because it doesn’t pay or another reason, so you gave up the dream, but eventually came back to it because that’s what you are: A Writer!
Maybe you’ve always known that you were meant to be a writer.
Each of us has a story to tell and we can use our stories to inspire and encourage the next generation of writers.
Share your story.
Most bloggers are looking for a fresh topic to write about, so here you go. You just happen to be able to enter it into a fun contest, too.
How to enter:
- Post your essay between 300 to 1000 words on your blog as a blog post. (You need a blog.)
- Consider leading in to your post with: “I am participating in the ‘Writing Contest: You Are A Writer’ held by Positive Writer.” You can phrase it as you like, but please make sure there is a hyperlink back to this blog post.
- Come back to this post and paste the link to your entry in the comments.
It’s very important that you put your link in the comments to this post because that’s your official entry.
Because one of my goals for this contest is for the comments to become a great resource of links for aspiring writers to find an awesome collection of inspirational and motivational stories about becoming a writer.
I will announce the winners via a blog post around the middle of September. (The best way to stay updated is to subscribe.)
In the announcement I will link to the respective winning entries and also contact you individually to send you your Amazon gift card if you won or placed.
Are you ready? Get set, go!
I look forward to reading all of your entries. (Feel free to use the picture for this post, if you like. There’s a smaller version in the sidebar.) My wife, Joan, shared her story of when she knew she was a writer. It’s not an entry to the contest, but I think you’ll enjoy reading it.
If you have questions please ask them in the comments. If an answer to a question pertains to everyone I’ll add an update to this post.
Please share this post with your fellow writers and help make this first writing contest on Positive Writer a great success!