The first quality that is needed is audacity. – Winston Churchill (Tweetable)
I am pleased to announce the publication of The Audacity to be a Writer: 50 Inspiring Articles on Writing that Could Change Your Life.
It’s a compilation of Positive Writer’s most popular articles and guest posts published on blogs such as: Goins Writer, The Write Practice, Helping Writers Become Authors and Bestseller Labs. Several brilliant bloggers who published their work on Positive Writer are included. Bloggers who you’re likely familiar with…
(This collection of articles will never (ever) be found all together anywhere else other than in this book.)
In every artist there is a touch of audacity without which no talent is conceivable. — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Tweetable)
Writing can be a frightening thing.
A writer is an audacious person, a person courageous enough to put herself out there and risk exposure. (Tweetable)
But writing is not what you do. It’s who you are. You are a writer. It’s your life.
Your calling.
It’s only when we have nothing else to hold onto that we’re willing to try something very audacious and scary. — Sonia Johnson
Allow me to introduce all of the awesome contributors:
Joe Bunting, C.S. Lakin, Ali Luke, Marcy McKay, Shanan Haislip, Andy Mort, Christine Frazier, Liwen Ho, Chelsea Nenno, Claire DeBoer, Kate I. Foley, Josh Irby, Stacy Claflin, Dana Sitar, Nicole Gulotta, and Bryan Collins. – Thanks everyone. You rock!
Success is the child of audacity. — Benjamin Disraeli (Tweetable)
Fellow scribblers,
I wish you the greatest success in your writing careers. You deserve it. Whenever it seems like the words will no longer flow, keep tip tapping away and they will come.
For inspiration and some kick-in-the-butt encouragement and motivation, open your copy of The Audacity to be a Writer and read a few articles.
Keep scribbling! The words will come.
Inspiration is the one true muse. — blh (Tweetable)
The Audacity to be a Writer: 50 Inspiring Articles on Writing that Could Change Your Life has been compiled to be sold on Amazon to help support the Positive Writer website and the events we host. Proceeds from The Audacity to be a Writer support the Positive Writer website, writing contests and other events. Thank you for your support.
Special thanks to my wife, Joan Faith, my most cherished muse, for inspiring me every day. And thank you to Jeff Goins, K.M. Weiland, Jonathan Gunson and Joe Bunting for permission to republish articles I first published on their sites.
I just want to make something that is true to itself and that interests me; otherwise, how can I have the audacity to think it’s going to interest anybody else? — Alexandra Cassavetes