This is a post by Positive Writer contributor The Magic Violinist.
I’m sure all writers have had days where they don’t feel like writing.
Or reading. Or doing anything creative at all. I’ve had days like that. Thankfully not too many, though.
In this post I share with you some tips I’ve used to motivate myself even when I don’t feel like it.

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When I have days that I feel uninspired and lazy, the restlessness usually follows.
I’ll grab a book only to read a few sentences and set it back down again. I’ll check my e-mail, my Google Reader, and comment on a few posts.
Sometimes I’ll go to my blog and start writing a new blog post only to realize that I have no idea what it’s about.
In between all this I keep opening up my current work-in-progress just to stare at it, with no idea of what to write next.
The worst part about all of this is that I really do want to write.
Here are some tricks that I’ve used to help me motivate myself:
1) Get Excited
If you want to feel like writing, first you have to get excited about writing. (Tweet it!)
But how are you supposed to get excited when you don’t feel like getting excited?
Well, first think of some things that excite you, get you really fired up, and make you feel like talking.
My list would look something like this:
1. Harry Potter
2. Taylor Swift
3. Chocolate and peanut butter
4. My friends, family, and dog
Of course, there are a lot of other things, but those are just a few examples. If I want to get excited, I’ll pick one of those things and do something with it.
For example, I could read a Harry Potter book, or listen to one of my favorite Taylor Swift songs. Not only will it get me excited to write, but I’ll probably have some ideas inspired by those activities, too!
2) Write
This one’s fairly simple.
If you don’t feel like writing, write anyway. (Tweet it!)
It might be slow going at first, but if you write long enough, you might actually get excited about what you’re writing.
Some of my favorite warm-up exercises are free writing and writing poetry.
3) Take a Walk
Get outside, go for a bike ride, or just spend a little time with nature. Try to do this alone, so you can really observe everything around you. This is one of the best ways to recharge and get your creative juices flowing.
Writing again
After I’ve tried one of these–or all of these–motivational tips, I realize that I can finally write again.
The feeling is almost as good as the one that you get after finishing a novel or another writing project.
What are some of your favorite ways to get motivated when you don’t feel like writing? Share in the comments.