It’s a funny thing, creating something that matters. Sometimes we create something that touches the many, but too often we create stuff that doesn’t seem to appeal to anyone, not even ourselves. (I’m using “we” so I don’t feel so alone.)
I’m a writer. The page is my canvas, but your creativity may have a different canvas.
Whatever canvas you use to create, I bet you want to create something wonderful, even magical – every time. I’ve finally found the answer to creating something wonderful and it’s really the only way that works.

Mona Lisa in the Louvre, Paris- photo by Joan Faith
Sometimes I get lucky and create something awesome, something that resonates with the many, but most of the time I’ve found myself spinning my wheels trying to figure out what others would like to read.
Too often I’ve been guessing.
When I am spinning my wheels I am at my worst – I end up writing stuff I don’t believe in and I don’t really care about.
Then there are times when I wake up in the morning, I have an idea and I simply start writing. (Early in the morning seems the best time for me. Andy Troub wrote an excellent book about it: Early To Rise: Learn To Rise Early in 30 Days)
I love when that happens. I don’t care who will read it or if anyone will appreciate what I’ve got to say. None of that matters – it’s the writing that matters.
I’m fortunate in a way, because I don’t write for a living and I can take as many risks as I like. It doesn’t always have to be good or great. But don’t get me wrong, I prefer for everything I write to be great.
As it turns out, a lot of what I write sucks. Oh, I don’t mean it’s just bad – I mean real bad. Yep. That bad.
However, I’ve learned something valuable and I think it is worth sharing.
Don’t sell your soul.
You’re a creative person and therefore, you have a very special gift. Don’t blow it.
Create what you believe in, what you are passionate about and don’t let anyone tell you that what you’re creating doesn’t matter. If you care about it and you put your heart into it, then it matters.
For weeks I’ve been trying to create something my heart just wasn’t into and I got stuck.
I failed.
Frankly, I am tired of spinning my wheels. I am tired of trying to be something I am not, to measure up to some standard that I have no desire or need to aspire to.
And that’s the true failure, at least for me.
Wanting to measure up.
Trying to be something I am not, trying to achieve something I don’t need or want. I simply want to create what I care about, what I love and what feels right, for me.
Is that so wrong?
Today I realized the answer.
No. It’s not wrong.
Actually, nothing could be more right.
I am going to create what I believe in.
Nothing more and nothing less. I feel better already.
It’s the only way to truly create something wonderful, because the fact is if you don’t love what you are creating and believe in it, then it can never be wonderful or magical to you.
Are you going to join me? Create something wonderful, something you believe in. Share in the comments and if you’re a blogger consider this a challenge. So share the link in the comments when you post it, too.